Outrageous Alternate Endings to Movies

Debating which version would be better

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Welcome everyone! Tonight, we will explore some wild alternate endings to popular movies and have a fun debate on which version would be more entertaining.

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Tonight's PowerPoint presentation is all about having a good time and getting creative with movies. Get ready for some hilarious alternate endings!

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Let's kick off with Movie 1 and see how an outrageous alternate ending could change the entire storyline! Get ready to voice your opinions on which ending you prefer.

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Moving on to Movie 2, get ready for another twist in the plot with an alternative ending. Let's hear your thoughts on which one is more captivating.

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Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions with Movie 3's alternative ending proposal. Which version will leave a lasting impact? Share your thoughts!

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For the final movie of the night, get ready for a mind-bending alternate ending proposal. It's time to decide which ending you would love to see on screen!

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